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EFCG 2022 CEO Conference Highlight Series: ENR Top 500 Design Firms Over Time

EFCG 2022 CEO Conference Highlight Series:

ENR Top 500 Design Firms Over Time

As part of our analysis, we visualized the changes in the Top 25 firms over the last 10+ years. Some: insights we found:

  • Each year, about 10% of the list changes, meaning there are about 50 new entrants to the list. However, of the Top 100 firms, there are rarely more than a handful that are new entrants.

  • The percentage breakdown by revenue category is generally consistent year-to-year, but petroleum as a category has consistently declined in recent years: it was 26% of reported revenues in 2013 and just 12% in 2022. This has been accompanied by increases in general building and transportation (which have been the two largest categories each of the last 5 years).

  • Larger firms generally have a much larger portion of their revenues from international work – the Top 25 firms on the list, for example, typically report twice as much international revenue (as a %) than the overall list. However, firms of all sizes have been reporting declining percentages of international revenue in recent years.

Meanwhile, at EFCG, we have over 25 years of our own industry surveys, representing millions of additional data points. We are always excited to dive into our data and look for new patterns and insights to share with our clients.

For questions on our data, please email Jackson at

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