Thank you to Environment Analyst for another excellent publication on EFCG’s virtual programming. This article highlights key takeaways from EFCG’s “Engaging Your Workforce in Times of Uncertainty” webinar. Julie Hasiba, EFCG Managing Partner and Talent Strategy Practice Lead, presented data and trends shedding light on how firms and employees have been evolving – both in practice and in mindset – as the shift to a remote working environment has accelerated. Julie spoke with expert panelists Loren Sokolow, Professor Michael Boyer O'Leary, Ph.D., and Dr. Joan Zofnass to explore how companies must rethink their workforce strategy to be more effective and resilient while protecting their most important assets: their employees. To purchase EFCG’s latest 2020 Executive Compensation Survey Report, email Dimitri Milionis at This Report delivers extensive compensation data that EFCG collects from the A/E/C Industry and subscribers use to inform and guide their strategic decisions.
